Phone: (480) 712-8741 Fax: (480) 712-9518

Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Skin cancer is exceedingly prevalent in the United States, surpassing all other forms of cancer combined in terms of diagnosis rates. At MODERN Dermatology, located in Scottsdale, Arizona, Dr. Maya Thosani and Nurse Practitioner Holly Nichols possess extensive expertise in the identification and management of various skin cancer types, including melanoma.

Phone: (480) 712-8741

What is Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer is a type of abnormal growth that starts within a skin cell. It occurs when there’s an overgrowth of abnormal skin cells, resulting in cancer. Though some people are at a greater risk of developing skin cancer, anyone can get it. 

What are the types of skin cancer?

Dr. Thosani classifies skin cancer into types based on where the cancer starts. Common types of skin cancer include:

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)

BCC is the most common skin cancer. This skin cancer grows from the basal cells in the epidermis. BCC appears as a pearly bump or a pink patch of skin. The most frequent story we hear from our patients is : "I thought it was just a pimple that simply refused to heal... it would come and go, always in the same troublesome spot."


Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)

SCC is the second most common type of skin cancer. SCC growths may appear as a bump, scaly patch, or sore. They most often affect sun-exposed areas of the head and neck. While not a skin cancer, an actinic keratosis (AK) is a precancerous lesion that appears as a rough patch on sun-exposed areas of skin like the face and arms. When left untreated, actinic keratoses may turn into an SCC.  The most common story we hear about squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is usually along the lines of, "I initially mistook it for a stubborn wart that simply wouldn't go away," or "I initially dismissed it as a mere patch of excessively dry skin." Patients sometimes mistake them for harmless skin conditions. However, it is crucial to recognize that SCC can manifest in various forms and shouldn't be overlooked. By raising awareness, we hope to encourage early detection and prompt treatment for individuals at risk.



Melanoma is less common than BCC and SCC but is the deadliest type of skin cancer because it grows quickly and spreads. This type of cancer forms from the pigmented cells in your skin — melanocytes.

Melanoma looks like an abnormal mole and may appear anywhere on the body, including parts that never see the sun. 

How is skin cancer diagnosed?

MODERN Dermatology specializes in noninvasive skin cancer diagnosis. Our experts are highly skilled and extensively trained in dermoscopy - which utilizes a polarized light and powerful magnification to see beneath the surface of your skin. This enables us to detect and diagnose skin cancer at its earliest stages. When you visit our office with any concerns regarding abnormal skin growths, we conduct a comprehensive and thorough examination of your entire skin. If any suspicious growths are found, we remove them and send the tissue to a pathology lab for a diagnosis. 

What are the treatments for skin cancer?

Removal of the cancerous growth is the most common treatment for skin cancer. Dr. Thosani is a surgical dermatologist with fellowship training in Mohs micrographic surgery. 

If you have a high-risk skin cancer lesion (a lesion on the head or neck, fast-growing), Dr. Thosani may perform Mohs surgery. For this precise procedure, she removes the cancerous lesion one layer at a time until she reaches healthy skin. 

You may also have Mohs surgery if your skin cancer is in a visible area that could affect your appearance if removed in another way.

For melanoma that does not need Mohs surgery, Dr. Thosani surgically removes the lesion along with some of the healthy surrounding tissue. 

For Actinic Keratoses, MODERN Dermatology utilizes any of a number of options to treat.  Freezing (cryotherapy) or burning (curettage) of the lesion is helpful for thicker actinic keratoses, and there are also prescription creams that can used to treat thinner actinic keratoses.

For expert skin cancer care from an experienced and skilled dermatologist, call MODERN Dermatology or submit an appointment request online today.

What is sun damage?  It is a precursor to aging and skin cancer

Sun damage refers to the effects the sun has on your skin over the long term. Dermatologists also call this photoaging or photodamage.

Sun damage occurs when ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun damages the skin’s DNA. That damage changes skin cell production, leading to premature aging of the skin and, sometimes, skin cancer. 

Anyone can develop sun damage. However, the degree of damage depends on the amount of time you spend in the sun without proper protection. Your geographical area may also play a role in the severity of the damage. 

Though anyone can develop sun damage, people with lighter skin tones are more susceptible to developing skin cancer. 

What are the signs of sun damage?

Sun damage affects the tone and texture of your skin. Some of the signs that indicate sun damage include:

  • Wrinkles

  • Age spots (areas of hyperpigmentation)

  • Loss of skin tone

  • Rough patches of skin

  • Uneven skin tone

  • Broken capillaries

  • Redness

Signs of sun damage can appear as early as your teens or twenties or in middle age and beyond. However, it’s never too early or too late to take steps to protect your skin from the sun and the damage it causes.

Sun damage consultation:

You can expect a patient-centered evaluation when you visit MODERN Dermatology for a sun damage consultation.  Our team of specialists will collaborate on an approach to your care.  First, having a full skin exam to review your medical and family history, as well as looking for skin cancer is the most important step.  At this visit, your dermatologist can assess your skin, address your specific concerns, and start you on a regimen. 

In addition to our highly skilled dermatologists, our team also includes the expertise of our licensed medical aesthetician and cosmetic injector who can perform a wide range of cosmetic procedures, tailored to meet your specific needs and desires.

For comprehensive dermatology care, call MODERN Dermatology at (480) 712-8741 or request an appointment by visiting our Contact page today.