Phone: (480) 712-8741 Fax: (480) 712-9518

Rash Evaluation

Rashes are skin abnormalities that encompass variations in color, texture, and sensation. While not always alarming, it is advisable to seek assistance at MODERN Dermatology if your rash is distressing, extensive, or persistent. Rashes can stem from various sources, and consulting with a dermatologist can aid in resolving your skin issue. Reach out to our Scottsdale, Arizona offices to schedule an appointment.

Phone: (480) 712-8741

What are rashes?

Rashes, those pesky skin conditions that can appear in various forms and textures, truly encompass a wide spectrum of shapes and sizes. You might encounter them as welts, blotches, or blisters, displaying vivid hues of redness and rawness, or manifesting as dry and scaly patches. In some cases, rashes can induce itching or discomfort, making them distressing experiences. They have the ability to localize themselves in a particular area or boldly extend their presence across your entire body. Additionally, these enigmatic rashes can exhibit a transient nature, appearing and disappearing intermittently, or, conversely, they may transform into an enduring, persistent skin condition.

What causes rashes?

Rashes can develop due to a wide array of causes. One common trigger is when your skin comes into contact with an irritating substance, such as chemicals found in soap, latex rubber, or the oil produced by poison ivy plants. This kind of rash is referred to as contact dermatitis. In addition to irritants, rashes can be influenced by factors like age, stress, and weather changes. Certain skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis, can also be responsible for causing rashes. Furthermore, infections like chickenpox or shingles can lead to the development of a rash.

When should I see a dermatologist for rashes?

Some rashes are relatively harmless and may clear up on their own with at-home care. However, if your rash is persistent, you should schedule an appointment. Visit MODERN Dermatology if your rash:

  • Covers your entire body

  • Occurs with a fever

  • Spreads quickly

  • Is itchy or painful

  • Has blisters

We recommend scheduling an appointment if your rash is worsening, warm, or oozing fluid. These symptoms may be signs of an infection. 

During your visit, we will review your symptoms and medical history. Upon examining your rash, we may take a tissue sample to confirm or rule out the cause. We may also recommend allergy testing to help identify the cause of your skin irritation. 

What are the treatments for rashes?

Treatments for rashes vary and depend on the cause. We take a personalized approach to care, combining modern medical treatments with an in-depth history and exam to get you a well-rounded plan. 

Your rash treatment plan may include:

  • Cortisone cream

  • Antihistamine

  • A personalized skin care routine

  • Antibiotics (for an infection)

  • Disease-specific medications

We also provide guidance on how to prevent a recurrence of your rash, such as avoiding the irritant or allergen that triggers your rash, reducing stress, and avoiding activities that may cause you to overheat.

Rashes aren’t always a serious health issue, but they can cause bothersome symptoms. To get help for your rash, call MODERN Dermatology at (480) 712-8741 or request an appointment by visiting our Contact page today.