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Acne Treatments

At MODERN Dermatology in Scottsdale, Arizona, we have experienced professionals focused on acne care. With the latest treatment options, acne is no longer considered a rite of passage. Taking proactive steps to treat your acne can prevent permanent acne scars. We specialize in designing personalized treatment plans that will not only improve the appearance of your skin but also enhance its overall health. To schedule an acne consultation, call our office today.

Phone: (480) 712-8741

What is Acne?

Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that causes blemishes on the face, back, chest, or buttocks due to blocked pores.

Anyone can develop acne at any time. However, it’s common to get acne during puberty because of hormonal changes that trigger an increase in sebum (oil) production. Too much sebum weighs down dead skin cells, trapping them in the pores. Bacteria from the skin fall into the pores and multiply, creating inflammation and infection.

Getting treatment for your acne, whether your skin condition is mild or severe, may prevent permanent acne scarring. 

What are some of the types of acne?

Acne, a common skin condition, manifests in various types, each requiring distinct approaches for successful treatment. When it comes to addressing acne, understanding the specific type you have is crucial. Some of the different acne types encompass:



Blackheads are a common skin issue that occurs when pores get blocked with excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. While they may resemble dirt-filled spots, their dark appearance is caused by the oxidation of the sebum present within the open pore. This oxidative process makes blackheads appear black in color. It is important to properly cleanse and exfoliate the skin to prevent the formation of blackheads and maintain a clear complexion.



Whiteheads, also known as closed comedones, are a type of acne where pores become clogged with sebum and dead skin cells, resulting in small, white bumps forming beneath the skin's surface.



Papules, which are commonly known as pimples, can be described as inflamed whiteheads. These small bumps on the skin are formed when pores become clogged and closed, resulting in a red or pink appearance caused by inflammation.



Pustules, which are acne characterized by papules filled with pus, possess the potential to result in scarring if they are scratched or "popped." Thus, we strongly advise seeking assistance from the experts at MODERN Dermatology in order to effectively manage these extractions while minimizing the risk of scarring.


Nodules are large, firm, and raised bumps that are located deep within the skin layers. These solid papules can be uncomfortable and are often associated with pain or tenderness. Their size and depth distinguish them from other types of skin lesions such as pustules or cysts.



Cysts, which are characterized by the presence of pus, are small nodules found within the skin or body.

What can I expect during a dermatology appointment for acne?

You can expect patient-centered care during your acne dermatology appointment with one of our experts. We understand how acne affects your look and self-confidence and creates plans that clear your skin as quickly as possible.

We will discuss your concerns, review your medical history and examine your skin. Though we can diagnose acne during a visual inspection, a sample may be taken to rule out other skin conditions. 

What treatments can improve my acne?

Dr. Thosani and Holly will customize your acne treatment plan based on the type and severity of your acne. Some of the treatments that improve acne include:

  • Topical acne medications (retinoid, benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid)

  • Targeting hormonal causes (Spironolactone)

  • Isotretinoin (oral medication for severe acne — decreases sebum production)

  • Cortisone injections 

  • Chemical peels

  • Laser treatments

For those seeking advanced and specialized treatment for acne, we highly encourage you to reach out to our esteemed team of professionals at MODERN Dermatology. Call us at (480) 712-8741 or request an appointment by visiting our Contact page today.