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Eczema Care

One of the most prevalent skin conditions in the United States is eczema, affecting approximately 31 million individuals. This chronic inflammatory ailment manifests as a recurring red, itchy, and scaly rash, significantly impacting the quality of life for those afflicted. Although the symptoms may subside temporarily, eczema persists as an ongoing concern for many. At MODERN Dermatology, our primary focus is to deliver unparalleled care for individuals suffering from eczema.

Phone: (480) 712-8741

What is Eczema?

Eczema is a general medical term that refers to skin conditions that cause inflamed and irritated skin that may itch. These skin conditions cause various types of rashes, including scaly patches, blisters, and blotches. Most types of eczema cause intense itching, increasing your risk of developing an infection.

Eczema is common and affects people of all ages. It most often appears during childhood and may come and go throughout your life.

What are the types of eczema?

There are many types of eczema. Some of the more common types include:


Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a prevalent skin condition that manifests as recurrent dry and intensely itchy patches. Its fluctuating nature is characteristic, making it the most frequently observed form of eczema.


Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a common skin condition characterized by an itchy rash that has the potential to form blisters. This rash occurs when your skin has direct contact with an irritant or allergen, resulting in discomfort and sometimes a visible reaction.


Dyshidrotic eczema

Dyshidrotic eczema, a chronic skin ailment, is characterized by the development of distressing and pruritic blisters on the hands or feet. This condition tends to persist and is known to cause discomfort to those affected.


Nummular eczema

Nummular eczema is a skin condition characterized by the presence of raised, itchy spots on the skin that often have the potential to ooze fluid. These spots typically take on a circular or coin-shaped appearance, hence the name "nummular."


Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition characterized by inflammation triggered by the presence of a yeast organism naturally residing on the skin. This condition leads to the development of dryness and flaking of the skin.


Stasis dermatitis

Stasis dermatitis is a skin condition that affects the ankles in people with poor circulation (venous insufficiency). With this type of eczema, you have swelling and skin discoloration around the ankles that may lead to ulcers. 

What to expect during an eczema evaluation?

At MODERN Dermatology, we pride ourselves on our collaborative and scientific approach to caring for our patients. When you schedule an appointment for an eczema evaluation, our highly skilled dermatologist will take the time to conduct a comprehensive assessment of your condition. This will involve gathering a detailed medical and family history, discussing your symptoms in depth, and conducting a thorough examination of your skin. In order to ensure accuracy in diagnosis a biopsy sample of your skin may be sent for further testing. Rest assured, when it comes to your eczema care, we leave no stone unturned.

What are the treatments for eczema?

At MODERN Dermatology, we understand that finding the right treatment for eczema entails considering various factors such as the type, severity of symptoms, and medical history. Our team implements a personalized approach, employing a comprehensive combination of treatments and behavioral modifications. Our goal is to provide you with effective relief from your specific skin condition.

Your eczema treatment plan may include:

  • Cortisone cream

  • Bathing and moisturizing routine

  • Avoiding known skin irritants

  • Use of skin barrier repair creams

  • Disease-specific medications

During your consultation, we will also discuss various lifestyle modifications that can potentially enhance the effectiveness of your dermatological treatment plan. To schedule an appointment call our office at (480) 712-8741 or request an appointment on our Contact page.