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Platelet-Rich Plasma

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a healing substance derived from nutrient-rich platelets and plasma. These platelets contain growth factors that promote cell reproduction and tissue repair. PRP is used as a post-treatment serum to speed up healing and reduce pain, including after microneedling. It can also be injected into the scalp to address hair loss when combined with other medical treatments. PRP can be used instead of traditional fillers to restore volume and achieve a rejuvenated appearance in areas where natural aging has caused volume loss.

Phone: (480) 712-8741

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) has emerged as a cutting-edge therapeutic technique within the field of dermatology. This innovative treatment utilizes the body's own healing properties to promote skin rejuvenation and hair regrowth. By extracting and concentrating platelets from the patient's own blood, PRP offers a natural and effective solution for a variety of dermatological concerns.

The primary component of PRP is platelets, which are essential for clotting and tissue repair. Additionally, platelets contain powerful growth factors that play a vital role in the body's healing processes. These growth factors include platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and various others. Together, these growth factors stimulate cellular proliferation, collagen synthesis, and angiogenesis, enhancing the body's regenerative abilities.

The PRP procedure is minimally invasive and involves several simple steps. Initially, a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient's arm. The drawn blood is then placed in a centrifuge, where it is spun at high speeds to separate the various blood components. This process allows for the extraction of a concentrated platelet-rich plasma solution. Once collected, this potent solution is either injected directly into the treatment area or applied topically, depending on the specific dermatological concern being addressed.

As a versatile treatment, PRP has been found effective in multiple dermatological applications. In the field of aesthetics, PRP can be used to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars. The regenerative properties of PRP stimulate collagen production, leading to firmer and more youthful-looking skin. Furthermore, PRP has shown promising results in treating hair loss, a common concern for many individuals. By injecting PRP into the scalp, it nourishes hair follicles, promotes hair growth, and improves hair thickness and density. This non-surgical hair restoration procedure provides a natural alternative to traditional interventions.

PRP is not just limited to aesthetic purposes. It has also been utilized in the treatment of chronic wounds, including diabetic ulcers and stasis ulcers. The growth factors present in PRP facilitate the healing process, stimulate tissue formation, and improve vascularization, leading to faster and more effective wound healing. As with any medical procedure, PRP does have some potential side effects, including minimal discomfort, bruising, and redness at the treatment site. However, these side effects are generally mild and temporary, with most patients experiencing little to no downtime.

In conclusion, Platelet-Rich Plasma represents an exciting advancement in the field of dermatology, harnessing the body's own healing capabilities for various skin and hair concerns. With its ability to promote cellular regeneration through growth factors, PRP offers a safe and effective treatment option for patients seeking natural rejuvenation and restoration. As further research and advancements continue, PRP is poised to revolutionize the field of dermatology, providing innovative solutions to a wide range of skin and hair-related issues.

What to expect from your treatment?

Initial Consultation

Your PRP journey begins with an initial consultation with our skilled aesthetic expert. They will evaluate your specific skincare needs, thoroughly discuss the benefits and potential outcomes of PRP therapy, and determine if you are an ideal candidate for the treatment. During this consultation, it is crucial to provide accurate medical history and disclose any medications you are currently taking to ensure your safety and maximize the effectiveness of the procedure.

Preparation for PRP Treatment

Before the PRP treatment, it is essential to follow any pre-treatment instructions provided by your dermatologist. These instructions may include avoiding blood-thinning medications or supplements for a specified period, as well as abstaining from alcohol and smoking to optimize your body's healing capabilities.

The PRP Treatment Process

1. Blood Sample Collection: To extract the platelet-rich plasma, a small amount of blood will be drawn from your arm, similar to a routine blood test. This sample is then processed using a centrifugation technique to separate the PRP from the rest of the blood components.
2. PRP Preparation: The PRP is separated to release growth factors that promote tissue regeneration. Depending on the use (ie, hair restoration), it can be mixed with lidocaine to make the injections less painful.
3. Application: Depending on your specific needs, the activated PRP will be either injected directly into the targeted areas of concern or applied topically to the skin's surface. The treatment area may be numbed with a local anesthetic prior to injections to ensure your comfort during the procedure.
4. Recovery and Aftercare: Following the PRP treatment, you may experience some redness, mild swelling, or bruising at the injection sites. However, these side effects are generally minimal and subside within a few days. Your dermatologist will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to optimize the healing process and maximize the treatment benefits. It is crucial to follow these instructions diligently to achieve the best possible results.

Results and Follow-up

The results of PRP treatment may vary depending on the individual and the specific concern being addressed. While some patients may notice improvements after just one session, a series of treatments is often recommended to achieve optimal outcomes. Over time, PRP works within your body to stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture and tone, minimize fine lines, reduce scarring, and enhance overall skin rejuvenation. It is important to note that PRP is a natural treatment that utilizes your body's own resources, which means that the results may take some time to fully manifest. Patience and consistency are key to achieving the desired outcome.


Schedule Your Consultation

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy offers an exciting and innovative approach to skincare and rejuvenation. By harnessing the regenerative power of your own platelets, PRP treatment can help address a wide range of skin concerns and promote healthier, more youthful-looking skin. By knowing what to expect from your PRP journey, you can confidently embark on this transformative experience knowing that you are in the capable hands of our experienced team at MODERN Dermatology. Call us at (480) 712-8741 or request an appointment by visiting our Contact page today.